Thank you for stopping by my blog. Consider this as a scenic stop in your travel on the highway of life. You will read some fresh food for thought, see ordinary things pictured at a different angle, and perhaps leave with some ideas or inspiration stamped with my own brand of humour and insight.

"Come as strangers and leave as friends." - anonymous

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Why should you go with MoGo? I am your ordinary mom,next door neighbor,co-worker, subway buddy, blogger friend. Join me as I share my tips and feedback on an ordinary life in these extraordinary times.I can be your voice or the trigger that makes you find your own voice. Come join me and find out. What are you waiting for? Let's go!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Let's Go Start A New Job!

March is here and I am beginning the countdown to spring and a new job. Yes, finally I have found the perfect fit for my skills and interests and I am really looking forward to my new job downtown. In it, I will be able to use my knowledge and  experience but also have an opportunity to learn new things and meet new people.

The search is over. No more job fairs to attend and resumes to send out. No more waiting for the e-mail or phone call to snag the interview. Frowns over rejections have turned into pleased smiles. I had forgotten the feeling of starting on a new endeavor, like a new school year for students or a  new business venture for an entrepreneur. You get an adrenalin shot that makes you feel giddy, excited, a little bit nervous, but definitely happy. Synonymous with spring, starting a new job gives you the sense of starting off fresh and anticipating new experiences.

In preparation for this job, I have tried to learn more about the company I will be joining and internalize their motto. After all, I am now part of their team. I think this will help me to understand my role in the whole scheme of things. I also spent some time brushing up on the technical skills that may have gone rusty. It is fortunate that I was able to volunteer in the past months and avoid turning my brain into mush.

The best part about preparing for the new job is creating and updating my wardrobe. Hurray, I have a very good reason to go shopping! This has also given me the kick to get rid of clothes I have been keeping around for a long time. Now is the time to be ruthless and get rid of it if it hasn't been used in ages. Shopping for the "look" I want to project is a mini project in itself. Finding the right clothes, hunting for the shoes that fit, making repairs and alterations, all these have been keeping me busy. 

A new job is a great excuse to go shopping!

In retrospect, I will miss my quiet mornings at home with little interruptions. I could read my book, write down my thoughts, watch my TV shows, eat when I wanted and enjoy the peace and silence. The hiatus from work did me good. It re-focused my goals, gave me time to try things I was always too busy for and made me know myself. Now, I am ready to get back in the hustle and bustle of things. In a few more weeks, I will rejoin the ranks of the employed, with a spring in my step and a smile on my lips!

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